I loved Bath.

That's why this video is great.
Winter semester ended.
I was a bit sad driving away.
When Ne-yo came on shuffle, I didn't change it.
But we left our mark on this semester and it certainly left it's mark on me.
But hey, it was a nice ski day.
Yes, driving home.
I arrived home at 1 a.m, moved my stuff in, started my laundry, went to bed at 3 a.m., got up at 6 a.m., and left for Texas.
No sleep. But hey, it's college. Right?
Wrong. It's Clair and Terry and they party.
So when people say, Don't mess with Texas,
I'm here to tell you there is no stopping these hooliagans.
We went for a second wedding celebration for Daniel and Chelsea.
It was warm.
We ventured to the San Marcos Outlet Mall.
Huge. Texas style huge.
In San Antonio we meandered the River Walk and took the little boat ride. The action happens along the river, which makes it seem like a whole separate city under San Antonio. It's pretty quiet above the river. You should be able to find a hotel there if you're going to visit. The city is mostly hotels.
We visited and toured the Alamo.
It's true–people wear cowboy hats in Texas.
I've always wondered why people are so proud of being from Texas. The best reason I've heard, as I learned at the Alamo, is that Texas was it's own country for nine years. Well, Utah has the gratest snow on earth so whatever.
We went to a market and I think we were actually in Mexico , which called for some authentic Mexican food.
Finally, a stop at the Texas Ski Ranch.
We walked around the park and luckily had a few hours before our flight left. It didn't matter that I had wet hair on the plane because the cable park was awesome.
Just like jumping off the kitchen counter.
I was pretty sore for a good couple of days after.
On a Saturday in Hyde Park:
Rollarblading practice is in session.
Team work and individual.
Weaving in between cones and skating backward instruction included.
A whole gang of them really, the rollar-blader lady a.k.a. rollerblady would be in heaven.
I only wish I had Ally and the classic skating krew so I could join them.
There was also football practice going on.
Fubol Americana.
Actual football with pads.
Or as the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Guide called it,
Rugby for Girls.
But then again, in England they think of women like this:
and not so much like this:
The Victory.
Our racist, maybe Agentinian tour guide was the highlight of the port. We learned that the term son of a gun, came from the ship because occasionally, a woman would have a baby on board, and if it was born in between the cannons, yep, you nailed it, son of a gun.
Who knows if we can believe him? He lied to the nuns about the occupation of the women on board.
Oh yes, the Victory is the boat the English fought with during the Battle of Trafalgar and is the oldest ship in existence.
Preston Temple. Best part of the day. Some of us brought skirts, hoping we'd be able to get in to do baptisms. We did. And the worker was right when he said the drinking fountain had the best water in all of England. Blessings in every form.
Wrote an essay in the morning.
Left for the rest of the day to explore.
First Borough Market. I had a Greek wrap. I love these kinds of things. Crowded with people, it was like a glorious farmer's market.
I've been busy.
This week I've:
Discovered that I have a relative named Thankful Frisbee.
Attended a Ballet.
Walked the English countryside with some "real" English people. They were three brothers in their 70s. They have three more brothers and they recently got back from a 5 week trip from Australia to Las Vegas.
Attended the Joshua Radin Concert. The crowd hushed us loud Americans, but that didn't stop Joshua from dedicating a song to two of the girls in our group. He also played his encore in the crowd–just about four people in front of me.
Froze at the Sandham Memorial Chapel, while viewing the artwork of WW1 artist Stanley Spencer.
Became polished at Jane Austen's House.
Went to Salsbury Cathedral. This time it wasn't just another cathedral. I like this one mainly because it had an awesome baptismal font.
As far as action words, I don't know if this would pass on a resume,
but alas, it's only Wednesday and there are more adventures in the works.