I loved Bath.

That's why this video is great.
Winter semester ended.
I was a bit sad driving away.
When Ne-yo came on shuffle, I didn't change it.
But we left our mark on this semester and it certainly left it's mark on me.
But hey, it was a nice ski day.
Yes, driving home.
I arrived home at 1 a.m, moved my stuff in, started my laundry, went to bed at 3 a.m., got up at 6 a.m., and left for Texas.
No sleep. But hey, it's college. Right?
Wrong. It's Clair and Terry and they party.
So when people say, Don't mess with Texas,
I'm here to tell you there is no stopping these hooliagans.
We went for a second wedding celebration for Daniel and Chelsea.
It was warm.
We ventured to the San Marcos Outlet Mall.
Huge. Texas style huge.
In San Antonio we meandered the River Walk and took the little boat ride. The action happens along the river, which makes it seem like a whole separate city under San Antonio. It's pretty quiet above the river. You should be able to find a hotel there if you're going to visit. The city is mostly hotels.
We visited and toured the Alamo.
It's true–people wear cowboy hats in Texas.
I've always wondered why people are so proud of being from Texas. The best reason I've heard, as I learned at the Alamo, is that Texas was it's own country for nine years. Well, Utah has the gratest snow on earth so whatever.
We went to a market and I think we were actually in Mexico , which called for some authentic Mexican food.
Finally, a stop at the Texas Ski Ranch.
We walked around the park and luckily had a few hours before our flight left. It didn't matter that I had wet hair on the plane because the cable park was awesome.
Just like jumping off the kitchen counter.
I was pretty sore for a good couple of days after.