The first week.
We arrived on the island and I was welcomed with a lobster role for dinner and a beautiful sunset.
Sunday morning, I woke up for church. I got on the bus and sat by the driver, who I became good friends with for the next three weeks, so we could figure out where exactly the church was. Bernie, what a nice guy. He radioed the other buses asking if anyone knew where the Mormon church was, no, not the Episcapalian church, the Mormon church. With the help of bus driver from route 13 and the man that we picked up along the way, we were able to locate the church and Bernie practically droped me off at the front door. I gave him a Book of Mormon.
I had my first lobster dinner that night with an instrucational lesson on how to eat it.
I made a friend at church who was a nanny with a car. I was able to hang out with her all of Monday. We visited the town of Oak Bluffs, ate a sandwhich on the public beach, and looked around at the gingerbread houses.
The week was full of spending time at the beach, running and sweating like a Gatorade commercial, and trying to read my Jane Austen book.
Friday I ventured to the town of Vineyard Haven. I went to an expensive store that one of the siblings of James Taylor owned. Some of James' siblings live on the island and their music, along side the Weapies and Jack Johnson, are always playing on the radio. I mostly though how much Natty Boo would like it. I also got a dessert at the classic Black Dog bakery and ate it while watching the Italian group of women in brightly colored swimsuits and unhealithy tanned skin, enjoy their picnic on the shore.
Saturday I visited Edgartown. Prepy. Khaki shorts, matching belts and lofers, polo shirts, sweaters draped over shoulders, and if you're shoping there they have additional sizes in the back. No, I don't fit into a size two. I ate clam chowder and ice cream on the dock. You also might think there was an EFY stationed there, but my guess is the parents of the dozens of teens thowing pops at each other's feet, were back at the house sipping wine and throwing their heads back in laughter, allowing the packs of kids to wonder freely. Actually, I imagined Rosie spent most of her summers in those teen packs.
I got off the bus way past the driveway of the house so I had to walk a bit to get back to the house. It was eleven at night and with no streetlights on the island, it was really dark. There was also no cell phone coverage. I walked rather quickly making that the foolish thing I've done this trip because I really should have gotten off earlier. But I did notice the nice stars out that night and the mom waited up for me to make sure I got home.
My favorite thing of the week was using the outdoor shower. Everyone should be able to shower in an outdoor shower. It's great.