What remains to be said about Martha’s Vineyard. . .
One of my favorite things to do was talk to people on the bus. I met a nice lady from New Hampshire that has a house on 20 acres of land. She has two donkeys, six geese, chickens, and a dog. She was a real gem and knew it was funny to have donkeys as pets. I wanted to invite myself to visit her sometime.
Another man I met has visited 46 of the 50 states. He has Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah to go. He’s from New York I believe, the same town that Jimmer Ferdette is from.
I had lunch with a 55 year old woman from church. She’s a mix between Julie Andrews and Princess Diana. She found it hard living on the Vineyard because it’s hard meeting Mormon single guys, you know? But other than that, "it’s diamond."
The bus drivers on the Vineyard are really nice.
I ran into a competition called, The Biggest Catch, while wondering around Oaks Bluff. It was raining but a large crowd gathered to watch fishermen bring in their biggest shark catch. Most of the sharks were Threshers and weighed 200-300 pounds. Then they’d slice it up right there. I don’t know what the people do with all that shark. I guess eat it. But there was a lot of shark laying around and a lot of knives for that matter. The knives used to cut the sharks had to be switched out every two sharks because they’d get dull from the course skins. It didn't seem like it should be legal catching and cutting up all that shark, but there they were.
It was at that competition I learned that every fisherman stereotype is real. The full-faced beard, rubber jumpsuits, anchor tattoos, and rubber boots are all very real.
I left the Vineyard that Saturday that marked three weeks, and took the boat to the main land, then took the bus into the city. There I met up with Ashley for the rest of the weekend and particularly to get gelato and cannolis in the North End. We ran into a festival while we were there and celebrated a saint with the rest of the Italians.
After the North End we went over to Holly's house to play games. It was more than just games as her performing arts school friends were there to give us a show. I really should have got their autographs. It was "choir kid" behavior at the college level which means it was extreme, but almost professional. I hope one day to see them on the center stage.
I slept on the futon again and then went to church at three in the afternoon the next day.
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