Saturday, September 11, 2010

I finished packing up my stuff, and three hours later I was on a plane for Washington DC

Where I met up with this keeper


and we did just about everything there is to do in Washington DC.

It was hot.
Toured the Capital. There is a statue of Brigham Young.
Senate Gallery. Disorganized. The senators were late, and coming and going. I wished they'd focus a bit more. They voted on Elena Kagan becoming a Supreme Court justice and they senate pages practically begged us to go.
It poured.
Supreme Court.

Natural History, Art History, and American Smithsonian.
China town.

Biked to the city on the Mongoose.
Thomas Jefferson memorial.
FDR memorial.
Lincoln memorial.

Washington Monument.
White House and visitor's center. Every Boy Scout in America was there.
Holacost museum.
The Mint visitor center.
Air and Space Museum.
Kabab Palace.
Concert on the lawn of the Airforce Memorial.

Eastern Market with Kim. We ate Blue Buck pancakes and say Emily and Linda Dunn.
Library of congress.
Mt. Vernon and picnic.
Kayaking Potomic river.
Georgetown cupcakes.
Walking Ghost tour in Old Alexander.
Drove to Washington DC temple
Rode the largest escalator in the western hemisphere.

Arlington Cemetery
Church with delicious pumpkin bread made by Annette.
Holocaust Museum.

A special thanks to Annette for letting us barrow her bikes, making us lunch, and letting me sleep at her house. Hooray for the lentil boy.

And also for David for coming and putting up with me acting five years old. Tired and you blew up the air matress. Hungry and you bought museum food. Thanks for a great weekend.

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