Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 3, 2010

Got up.
Explored Concord.
Walden Pond was closed until 30 minutes after the hour and I didn't have that kind of time so I headed over to Minute Man National Park to see the Old North Bridge. This is where the "shot heard around the world" occurred. The Americans were commanded for the first time to fire back at the Brittish. The works.

Went to a baptism.
Worked a 10 year old girl birthday party.
Around 9:00 I ventured to Vanerbuilt Hall, of Harvard Medical Student housing, to play cards.
The room we played in was similar to that of the Gryffindor Common room at Hogwarts. Just imagine the Sorting Hat yelling, "Vanerbuilt!"
We played cards from 10:00 p.m.-3:00 a.m. Most of which was Scum. I was King for the first hour but lost it from there.
After, we went back to Ashley's apartment and, I was starving and she fed me, tired and she gave me a futon which was shared with Kendra.
Woke up.
Happy 4th of July!
Went to church at the Davis Square church building.
*Thanks to Ashley for letting us crash at her place.

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