Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I May or May Not Like the Cat

Some things I've learned:
  • The last bus from the Alewife T station to where I live, leaves at 9:30 p.m. . . not 11:00 p.m. As I stood, waiting, a bus pulled up to inform me of the time scheduling, and when I asked him where he was headed, he answered, "The station." So no, the bus wasn't going to take me home scheduled or not scheduled, so I called my people and the mom came and got me. We arrived home at 11:30 and let's face it, they're doing more babysitting than I am. Alas, the extra game of ultimate frisbee after FHE was worth the trouble. Guilty.
  • While attending the private school picknick, I came to the conclusion that all the mothers do yoga. They seem to sit very upright in between the time they gently spread the organic sun-dried tomato humus on the bought-local-first rice cakes.
  • "The best way to cure a hangover is chocolate milk and clam chowder," said the mom that brought the hard stuff to the picknick that started at 11:30 a.m. How else do you raise 4 children?
  • And a four kid family is huge. 
  • They consciously pronounce "clam chowder," like "clam chouwda." It's not natural for these people.
  • I'm getting into Glee.
  • Dunking Donates is to Massachusetts as churches are to Utah.

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